Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What a trooper!

Kaleigh got a minor surgery this morning! She got tubes put in her ears. Although this surgery was not a big one or anything too scary... it is so hard to watch your child in this kind of a situation! Being put under against their will, and then waking up to cords attached all over their bodies and surrounded by strangers. She was not a happy girl, however... inbetween her crying and sobbing, she still said hi to everyone that said hi to her, and say "Bye Bye Guys" all on her own when we left.


The Child Family said...

Oh that's sad. I'm glad it wasn't too major of a surgery. Cool hospital bed!!!!

jaredandgina said...

I hate that hospital bed brings back bad memories. Glad to see the surgery went well. That is jared's specialty!!

Wesley Family said...

I didn't know she was getting them. I remember when Mika got his tubes! It was so hard for me to have them take him away from me screaming. How are you doing? We really need to catch up.

Eliason 5 said...

What a champ! I'm talking about you as well as Kaleigh. It's not easy seeing your child so sad. Give her some ice cream for me!