So.... Good thing that I have a few more years of practice on making cute B-Day cakes before she cares too much. I think I tried to cook it, cool it down and transfer onto a plate before the cake was ready. I ended up destroying it. Luckily the frosting helped it look a little better!
Kaleigh is a good sport! She walked right to her cake on the ground and dug right in! I am afraid she ate too much of it though, because she threw-up after! O-Well, it was worth the fun she had playing in it!
Nice and Clean again!
I can not believe that our little girl is already a year old. Time goes by way too fast! Some of the highlights of Kaleigh when looking back on her first year are...
1- Her little tongue. It is rarely inside her mouth, but rather, always moving around outside her mouth!
2- Crawling. She is the most dramatic little crawler! She puts her head down, swings her arms really high and slams them to the ground each time and charges to her destination! So funny!
3-Her smile. Kaleigh has the biggest smile! It takes up her whole face. We love it so much and are so glad it happens often! My family started saying "SUPER HAPPY" to her and she would smile huge and bend her head over. So funny!
4- Walking! This was probably one of the funnest things to see! Kaleigh started taking steps about a month ago, and is now unstoppable. Don't you think babies are so cute right when they start walking? The legs go side to side rather than in front of them! Trev loves chasing her and making her try to go faster than her legs can take her! She loves it too.
5- Of course.... TALKING! Kaleigh is starting to talk so much! Her favorite words are Cheerio, Hi (to everyone!), nigh-night, bathy, dog, I-love-you, and calling her mom "meg" rather than mom. She is even starting to say the animal sounds! We are having so much fun teaching her, and it is so rewarding when they start understanding!
The only thing that has not been fun is... trying to get her to take a sippy cup rather than a bottle! Any suggestions?